In the case of Seventh-day Adventism, their soteriological stance is most accurately defined as semi-Pelagianism (not Arminianism nor Calvinism). Semi-Pelagianism was a compromise between Pelagianism and Augustinianism (the latter akin to "Calvinism" whereby salvation is understood as the free gift from God alone). Semi-Pelagianism was formally condemned as a heresy by the Christian delegation at the Second Council of Orange in 529 AD. Moreover, in semi-Pelagian thought, the sinner cooperates or partners with God for his salvation.
In their view, salvation is not a free gift given by Jesus Christ alone. Sadly, Adventism does not embrace even one of the five doctrines of grace. Thus, their man-centered theology, in which faith is an act of the fallen will of man, ultimately results in man saving himself with God's help. Man thereby proudly becomes the captain of his eternal destiny by having the final word about his salvation. This heresy actually puts God at the mercy of fallen man instead of the other way around. Jonah, the reluctant prophet, declared: "For my salvation comes from the Lord alone" (Jonah 2:9 NLT) It's all about Him! Soli Deo Gloria (to God alone belongs all the glory).
In their view, salvation is not a free gift given by Jesus Christ alone. Sadly, Adventism does not embrace even one of the five doctrines of grace. Thus, their man-centered theology, in which faith is an act of the fallen will of man, ultimately results in man saving himself with God's help. Man thereby proudly becomes the captain of his eternal destiny by having the final word about his salvation. This heresy actually puts God at the mercy of fallen man instead of the other way around. Jonah, the reluctant prophet, declared: "For my salvation comes from the Lord alone" (Jonah 2:9 NLT) It's all about Him! Soli Deo Gloria (to God alone belongs all the glory).
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Worldwide Chaplaincy Services