Popular Posts

April 22, 2012


by Pastor David Stark

Was the Apostle Peter really the first Pope as Roman Catholic apologists claim?  Pastor Stark gives a brief, concise answer (click on title above) to this important question.  His excellent linguistic skills become paramount in the exegesis of this passage. 

For more detailed information on this topic, you are cordially invited to log unto www.bereanbeacon.org .  At the informative, Bible-centered, Berean Beacon  Ministries website, you can listen to a presentation entitled "Peter and the Rock" by Richard Bennett, a former Roman Catholic priest who faithfully served in that position  for 22 years. Also, please take time to read his inspiring testimony while you are visiting his website.  Moreover, you may want to invite your Catholic friends and relatives, to his informative and factual website, to learn about their religion in depth. You can directly access the website's DVD's at: http://www.bereanbeacon.org/dvd.php or if you are using an i-Pad, i-Phone, or other listening  device, simply log unto: http://www.bereanbeacon.org/audio.php

From a soteriological perspective, Adventism and Catholicism are much alike.  Additionally, both groups are hierarchical in their organizational structure, intensely support extra-biblical writings, largely physically-oriented religions (i.e., holy days, tithing, food laws,  no masturbation, top-heavy centralized ecclesiastical structure, bizarre physical phenomena adored, works-oriented/man-centered salvation, etc.), believe in a central human figure to dispense and validate their teachings, vehemently opposed to the doctrines of grace as proclaimed by the Apostles and Reformers, and they further have the commonality of operating similar educational, medical, and disaster/relief centers.  

The infamous Folkenberg scandal of the 1990s, when Robert Folkenberg was consequently removed as the General Conference president, affirms beyond any doubt that Adventism and Catholicism have alliances kept secret from the public and especially from devout (anti-Catholic) Adventists in the pew. Amazingly, since an undisclosed number of high-ranking SDA leaders are commonly assumed to have been involved in that vast monetary fiasco with a Catholic charity organization, Robert Folkenberg was subsequently rewarded by not being forced to miss a single paycheck to this day. In light of the tightly-controlled information available, it appears that Robert Folkenberg survived his denominational employment by simply becoming their corporate, face-saving, damage-control scapegoat.

--Dennis Fischer

courtesy of

Worldwide Chaplaincy Services
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