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This inspiring music video by Lynda Randle features her own lyrics entitled "God on the Mountain." The words of this song are a reflection of her personal Christian journey. Her father wisely advised her, early in her vocal music career, that "If you don't believe it, don't sing it." Subsequently, she has become a notable Christian music artist.
You will also enjoy listening to Lynda Randle sing "I'm Free." What an awesome, powerful testimony in song! The lyrics of this Christ-centered rendition extend a cordial invitation to Seventh-day Adventists and many, many others to trade their legalistic shackles for the glorious freedom found only in Jesus Christ--a freedom that sets them free from the gnawing guilt of their past and from the crippling fear of their future. Jesus rightfully declared, "You did not choose Me but I chose you" (John 15:16 NASB). Salvation is a rescue operation from start to finish. Moreover, the good news still remains that our sovereign God never goes on a rescue mission that fails. Miraculously, God makes friends out of His enemies in the election process. What a wonderful Savior and Substitute!
Although not surprising, I noticed that the Mormons (another nineteenth-century, American cult) are now unashamedly placing paid ads on You Tube just seconds before some of my favorite Christian songs and videos can be seen and/or heard. To say the least, it is quite annoying to be forced to listen to Mormon propaganda or having to delete it every time I wish to get a blessing from a song or video. Obviously, their public relations team is convinced that their impostor tactics will help to lessen prejudice against them. It is no secret that some cults masquerade in our communities as authentic, evangelical Protestants (i.e., the Reorganized LDS Church, headquartered in Independence, Missouri, officially renamed themselves as the "Community of Christ" to be more acceptable in Christian communities).
Admittedly, there are former Adventists who humbly express their heartfelt joy with tears while listening to this inspirational song of victory in Christ. Moreover, this song would appropriately serve as the "theme song" whenever former Adventists gather together for worship around the world. The fact that God mercifully saves even some people doesn't obligate Him to save everyone. The Apostle Paul compared the doctrine of election to a potter who has full control over his lump of clay (Rom. 9:21). As Lynda Randle would say, "May God bless you real good." Indeed, you will be spiritually-refreshed through her God-given, God-exalting, musical talent. Happy listening!
Courtesy of
Worldwide Chaplaincy Services