By David H. Linden
Since eschatology does not directly impact our salvation as does getting the Gospel right, this is an area where serious Bible students can disagree about various end-time scenarios without being needlessly disagreeable. The discerning readers of this blog will welcome this exceptional article by Rev. David Linden, assistant pastor of the University Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Las Cruces, New Mexico USA.
It is most likely that we may all be wrong about various details in the closing scenes of this earth's history. Consequently, believers cannot rationally become overly dogmatic about a topic that has multiple interpretations in biblical Christianity. David Linden's interpretation of Revelation 19 and 20 is certainly worthy of our consideration. It serves as a credible alternative to the Dispensational view. Click here to read.
It is most likely that we may all be wrong about various details in the closing scenes of this earth's history. Consequently, believers cannot rationally become overly dogmatic about a topic that has multiple interpretations in biblical Christianity. David Linden's interpretation of Revelation 19 and 20 is certainly worthy of our consideration. It serves as a credible alternative to the Dispensational view. Click here to read.
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