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March 19, 2014

INTRODUCTION: On Covenant Theology

 by J. I. Packer, PhD

The avid readers of this blog will remember Dr. J. I. Packer, a world-renowned theologian, as a thought-provoking teacher and writer.  He authored the insightful article entitled "Antinomianism" featured several years ago in this blog (click here if you missed reading it).  A British-born Canadian and an ordained Anglican priest, he is best known for his excellent book entitled "Knowing God." 

Moreover, he currently serves as the Board of Governor's Professor of Theology at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Simply click here to access this introduction to Covenant Theology as selected by Dr. Packer. He reprinted a treatise of Herman Witsius (1636-1708) who was a notable Dutch Reformed theologian. 

Like a high-resolution photograph, Covenant Theology vividly captures the splendor of God making friends out of His enemies in the election process. Dr. Packer concludes that "God deals with mankind through two representative men, Adam and Christ; all that are in Adam die; all that are in Christ are made alive." In theological parlance, this is known as "federal headship" or "federal theology." It effectively explains the role of the first and second Adam. Thanks for stopping by!

In awe of Calvary,

Dennis Fischer
Web Chaplain

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