by Dr. John MacArthur
Due to widespread interest, I am posting this inspiring, Bible-based sermon audio from a Sunday morning worship service in 1999. You can also read a transcript of this sermon. Dr. MacArthur gives the reason why the Resurrection Day or New Covenant Day is so important to Christ-followers around the world. Moreover, the Christian Church was born on Pentecost Sunday. Truly, not just any day could be this special in redemptive history. Our awesome, sovereign God distinctly chose this very special day to occur on Sunday. Simply click on the title above to hear this excellent, thought-stimulating sermon.
--Dennis Fischer
Lincoln, Nebraska USA
Easter Sunday
Pentecost Sunday
The Day of the Son instead of the Sun
Due to widespread interest, I am posting this inspiring, Bible-based sermon audio from a Sunday morning worship service in 1999. You can also read a transcript of this sermon. Dr. MacArthur gives the reason why the Resurrection Day or New Covenant Day is so important to Christ-followers around the world. Moreover, the Christian Church was born on Pentecost Sunday. Truly, not just any day could be this special in redemptive history. Our awesome, sovereign God distinctly chose this very special day to occur on Sunday. Simply click on the title above to hear this excellent, thought-stimulating sermon.
--Dennis Fischer
Lincoln, Nebraska USA
The Day of Gladness
The Weekly Easter
New Covenant Day
The Greatest Day in Redemptive History
The Greatest Day in Redemptive History
The Eighth Day
First Day of the Week
Chief of Days
The Lord's Day
First Day of the Week
Chief of Days
The Lord's Day
First of Days
Resurrection Day
The Christian Sabbath
Palm Sunday
The Christian Sabbath
Palm Sunday
Easter Sunday
Pentecost Sunday
The Day of the Son instead of the Sun
The Day (Pentecost) when the Christian Church was Born
courtesy of
Worldwide Chaplaincy Services