by John Piper, PhD
Simply click on the title above to either listen to John Piper's excellent sermon or to read it and even re-read it. Interestingly, Dr. Piper brings out the linguistic fact that Koine Greek has no equivalent word for "legalism." Those who are bilingual or have studied another language are aware that some words cannot be accurately translated from one language to another. For example, even a humorous story often loses its humor when translated into another language. Human languages do not have the same number of words, grammatical structure, nor matching synonyms.
Thus, the Apostle Paul, in addressing Galatian legalism (misuse of the law), was forced to rely upon the context to reveal his intent in Galatians 3. "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law" (verse 13) and not from our duty to obey His righteous standards. Since many Bible students are often confused about the relationship between law and grace, this sermon is very helpful in alleviating further misunderstanding on this important, salvific topic. Without law there is no sin and thereby no need for a Savior and Substitute. In other words, without the problem of sin there is no need for the awe-inspiring gospel of Jesus Christ. Indeed, every exhortation in Scripture is a form of law. Let us continue to appreciate God's revealed will for our lives.
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Worldwide Chaplaincy Services